Make money online on Instagram
If you're looking to make money on Instagram without posting a single picture this is the article for you today because today I'm going to show you exactly how to make up to 300 dollars per day on Instagram without posting a single picture or video on your profile so with that being said I'm gonna go into hop into my computer and show you guys this exact step by step process and show you guys how we make money on Instagram without actually posting pictures so just for fun on this article I figured I'd do a $50 Amazon gift card giveaway which I'll announce in the next article I post every other day on this channel so that being said if you would like to enter the giveaway for the $50 Amazon gift card I'm gonna give it away for completely free all you have to do is comment Instagram money right below this article and I'll announce the winner in 48 hours in my next article so this isn't fake or anything is real I'm actually gonna do this giveaway and I'll announce the winner on next article I post right so that being said let's go and get into my computer I'm gonna show you guys exactly how to make money on Instagram without posting a single picture hope you guys enjoyed this one I'll see you in my computer alright everyone welcome back to the article thank you for tuning in today you guys don't know who I am already my name is Charlie I've been doing marketing full-time online for the past two years now so basically what this method comes down to I know it's kind of clickbait how to make money on Instagram without posting right but it is something that actually does work and it's something really anyone can do all you need to be able to do the only skill you need is to have some sort of sales skills which anyone can learn and number two is the ability to just like build a website or a funnel for someone because that's how we're gonna make the money right so those are the only two things you really need to know to actually make this method successful so I would just focus on getting better at those two things if you do want to make this method work for yourself right so I actually split up this whole strategy into ten different steps right so this article might get kind of long so just kick back and relax and just kind of follow along these steps with me alright so to make it easier I listed out all the steps on a Google Doc analogy that will be the first link in the description below you can go this Google Doc yourself and just fall along with me here all right so let's just go you know simply down the steps you know I want to make this as simple as possible so step one we see is literally just typing a name on the insta search bar and I know that sounds kind of broad but I'm going to show you why this works and why we're doing it this way all right so just go on your Instagram account you can do this on your phone might be a little bit easier in your computer it doesn't really matter anyway so like I said I'm just gonna type in a random name all right so it could be a guy name it could be a girl name it doesn't really matter we're just trying to find people there's a certain demographic of people we're trying to find I'll explain to you why this works in a second right so I'm just gonna do the search bar I'm gonna type in Jamie all right I don't know a Jamie I've never heard of Jamie I'm just typing in a random name right so we can see at the top here there's gonna be some you know bigger influencers named Jamie so what we want to do is we want to go down a little bit alright so I'm just gonna scroll down and I want to find like a small to medium sized influencer right so I'm just gonna see let's see this girl alright so we can see Jamie B Taylor you know I have no idea who this girl is I just typed in a random name and now I'm kind of checking her out right and no I'm not wait basically what I'm trying to do and why I'm typing in a random name is because me what we're trying to do is we're trying to sell sales funnels we're trying to sell marketing services to you know not local businesses but medium to small size personal brands that are trying to monetize right so for example this girl she has a link in her inner bio which is a good sign right she's trying to monetize she has 10 mm Instagram followers she's trying to do something with her Instagram so most likely she's trying to build some type of online business but she doesn't really know how or where to start and obviously all we know right now is she has a blog so I'm gonna click on this link and I'm gonna check out her website all right so it says J is for Jaimie lifestyle blog so subscribe for updates so obviously like and just like taking three seconds look at this it's not very good right you'll barely get any email addresses collecting leads like this right and in case the weird scenario that Jamie you're watching this I'm not trying to talk down on you or anything I'm just trying to help out right trying to make the marketing better so so let's just kind of see how she's trying to monetize right
so let's go to shop that kind of looks like where she's trying to monetize so okay Mary Kay alright so Mary Kay I'm pretty sure Mary Kay is kind of like an affiliate company like anyone can jump on board and actually sell their products for them and be reps and I think it's kind of like network marketing I'm not completely sure so yeah it looks like she's the independent sales director and Jamie Taylor so basically anyone can be her position and sell Mary Kay products so it's kind of like an affiliate program you're just getting commissions off of sales so looks like she's kind of trying to monetize through Mary Kay now would it make sense for her to have a blog and just like if someone goes on her Instagram and clicks here you know just going to the site like there's nothing special here and you're not gonna really get any leads you're not getting a sale so what we would want to do for Jamie and we can see that she has a blog she's trying to monetize through affiliate marketing selling Mary Kay right so she needs a funnel right because the funnel would dramatically increase her conversions and make her way more money okay so if she's making maybe a couple hundred dollars a month from her Instagram I don't know she could be making way more she could be making you know zero dollars we don't really know okay so this is the first step is finding someone like this that's basically trying to monetize their Instagram with some type of blog or maybe they're doing like fitness coaching you'll run into that a lot but this is the whole point of why we're typing in a specific name and the reason being is because they're harder to find right you can't type in like let's say you're selling sales funnels for fitness coaches right if you type in fitness coaches barely any one's gonna come up because that's not anyone's name on Instagram so when you're just typing in like a random name and you could really find people that are untapped that need our services that are way more likely to buy and you're way more likely to help them out all right so going back to the Google sheet I know I kind of went on a rant there but let's go to step number two all right so step number two is actually find someone that needs a funnel so it looks like Jamie does need a funnel right we got stepped on with two down all right so let's go back to step number three so it says if they need a funnel send them a article message telling them that you built them a personal sales funnel to help you get more sales from your Instagram would you like to see it so basically what we're gonna do on step number three is we're gonna pull out our phones right and we're gonna say hey Jamie I really like your Instagram I see what you're doing with trying to sell some Mary Kay products I noticed that you don't have a sales funnel to sell your product so what actually did is I actually built you a sales funnel to help you collect more leads and emails and help you get more sales would you like to see it okay so you say something like that and you literally just ask them right so this way number one what we're doing the article is we're trying to stand out between all the message to get which are usually just like text messages or copy and spam messages so we're trying to stand out more we're trying to catch a tension more that's the point in the article plus it kind of builds more trust with them it shows you're real person so that's the first thing and then we're telling them we already built them a sales funnel would you like to see it so what this does is this is pretty much like a guaranteed reply right there's no question why she wanted replied to that so what you're gonna do is you're gonna wait for her to reply right because you don't want to waste your time and build a whole sales funnel if she's not interested in your product right that would be a complete waste of time so what we need to do is if she says yes then we want to build a funnel for them really quick using some type of template right so in case you're completely new to marketing you don't know how to build a sales phone or anything you don't know how to you know what software to use so I personally use a software called Builder all it's a great software for funnels extremely cheap for what they offer so I will leave a seven day free trial for builder oh that would be the second link in the description but anyways I'm actually going to show you exactly how to build this little template for them so you can build it real quick I'll take you 15 minutes so you wait so basically you want to send to the articlemessage if they reply yes go get on your computer and build the funnel for them as quickly as you can all right so this is going to be our next step go on to your build your I'll count or if you don't have one already make a seven day free trial there's no credit card required it's fully free all you have to do is make an account right so what you're gonna do once you get to your builder all account is you're going to go to builders right here on the top left and you're gonna go to drag and drop pixel perfect just click on this again and go over to sales funnels alright I want you to get here you kind of want to figure out what kind of sales funnel you want to build for your client or your prospect so personally for me for this for Jamie I would like to build her more of like a bridge funnel so basically that's just a simple opt-in page to a thank you page to the offer okay so so this is just a simple funnel it works well this is what I like to use and a lot of affiliates use this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down and you can pick on Brij funnel squeeze page funnel they're all kind of the same thing I'm personally gonna pick a lead magnet funnel okay so this one's just like a little bit more branded it seems like Jamie she likes this kind of stay more branded with her like colors and everything like that so that is a good sign for this funnel so I'm just gonna press select funnel okay and then I'm going to scroll down here there's little articlekind of shows how the funnel works and then I'm just gonna click on this one so you can see there's a little picture there I like that so I'm just gonna press edit template alright so now that I have this page open of remember Instagram like 99% of people use Instagram on their phones okay so when you're building the funnel make it specific to be mobile optimized I'll be the Builder all so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the header and I can change the desktop but first I'm just gonna focus on the mobile since that is the most important thing so I'm gonna go ahead and build this opt-in page real quick for Jamie [Music] [Music] all right so actually you see I just build up the funnel for the mobile version you know I just tried to keep it super simple so basically I got the logo up here which is just a screenshot off of her blog and then I just did a catchy headline so based off what she's selling she's selling like a lot of skincare stuff so I figured that would kind of be her niche her lead magnet so basically the lead magnet was how I maintain perfect skin with my 15 minute per day clear skin hack so a lot of people who come to this page are kind of interested in you know what is that 15 minute per minute per day skin hack and of course when you do get Jamie as a client she can change this up however she wants and you can work with her and I actually upsell her more services which I'll show you later in this articleall right so again just think of a simple headline something that's gonna be a value something that they feel like they need to see right because our only thing here is we want people to enter their email and first name in so they can get the lead magnet right so that's kind of our only goal with this page is to just get them interested it's kind of like a hook right high maintain perfect skin with my 15 minute per day clear skin hack got a little picture of her from her Instagram so I'm sure she'll appreciate all this and it just says into your information below to clear skin in just 15 minutes per day and then give me instant access right that's basically the whole opt-in page this is the first step of the funnel and this is really all you need to build her starting out because this will be the big thing that we're gonna send here okay so let me just save this real quick so I can just go ahead and save it to my account so we can just name this Jami funnel and then just press sin all right so if you are new to build girl this is kind of what it's gonna look like and then basically you can just save it here and it's gonna show up if we go back to our builders right top left gonna drag drop pixel-perfect builder go to my sites alright then I have all of mine in categories so it's actually going to show up down here let's see where is it alright so here it is right here so I'm just gonna press publish so this little circle sign just gonna press publish alright so now that the site is published let me go ahead and look at it so I'm just gonna click on the actual site and looks perfect right how I maintain perfect skin with my 15 minutes per day clear skin hack keep in mind it doesn't matter how this funnel looks on desktop it's all about the mobile for Instagram right so make sure it looks good on mobile but anyways now we can go on to step number five alright so if they said yes you know you build a funnel real quick using that template literally takes around 10 minutes maybe up to 30 to an hour if you are more of a beginner but that's totally fun right it's good practice to build more funnels plus you should be able to make some money when you do sell this funnel alright so step 5 next step is send them the sales funnel and see how they like it remember it's all in the mobile because no one uses insa on desktop so now we just simply get this link right copy this link and simply just message the link to on Instagram on desktop you cannot DM I don't think so you're gonna have to send it to your phone just send the link to your phone and send the message to her on your phone alright so that's the next step alright and then what we're gonna do is step 6 so she's gonna look at the funnel and you can kind of mention to her the email is all set up yet but this is basically just the first step of the whole sales funnel so you can get more leads in sales ok so you basically just say that for her okay and then step 6 we're basically done now right we basically did everything now is the time to make the money right now's the time to make the actual money alright so step six is you're gonna wait for a response so just see what she says so I'm sure like base off what she had before you know this is not getting her any leads you could see her like opt-in pages just like say hello you know I'm not trying to be mean or anything but it's not gonna work right this page that's not gonna work compared to something like this and especially if he explained it to her why it works this is gonna be very valuable to her alright so just wait for the response and then I'm sure if she's gonna like it she's mic wow that's really cool and she's probably gonna be like you know can I have access to this funnel okay so you kind of just wait for the response and kind of wait wait for them to come to you and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna send them a link to a free 15 minute strategy call to help them set that more so basically a scenario that would happen is be like Jamie's gonna be like hey the funnel looks really cool I really like it would I be able to get access to her see she's gonna say something like that right so what you're gonna do next is you're gonna be like you can say yeah Jamie we could totally set this up this is something I do this is one of my businesses I've run cuz I build sales funnels for small to medium sized influencers and I get them more leads and sales so what I'm going to do next is I want to learn more about you how I can help you sell more so would you be open to hopping on a quick 15 minute strategy call alright so basically if you don't know how to set that up is you just go to calendly you can use the service for a completely free so let me just go to my account and you can see like these are all my different calls I have so today I have one at 4:45 Wednesday I have three between 2:30 and 5:00 so I have all these different calls set up right so basically you can just set up your own call so and just do a 15-minute call and then just paste it in right they can select a date and time and then they can set up the call with you or you can just hop on the call right then and there with them and just send them a link to like a Skype call or a zoom call or something like that but you know you usually people are busy so it'd be better this up like that County software alright so we did step six it's only taking us around twenty minutes so far step seven right step seven is so on the call what you're gonna do is you're gonna let them tell what their biggest problem is and explain how the sales funnel is gonna solve the problem so for example on the call you're gonna be like so Jamie what are you trying to do with your Instagram are you trying to make money out of it you're trying to create a business I noticed you're trying to sell Mary Kay products is that the main thing you're trying to do okay so she's gonna kind of give her answer and she's gonna kind of go into her problem then you can go on to ask her like oh how many units are you selling a day or how many units are you selling a month and maybe it'll just be like yeah I make like a couple hundred dollars a month with this so far I really want to scale it up more to a couple thousand so I can make this full-time so you know just casual conversation so you can literally just ask him like what is your biggest struggle why do you think you're not getting more sales so it's either gonna gonna be because if they don't have enough leads or they don't have enough traffic something like that so most the time it's gonna be because they don't know how to sell the product right so the sales funnel you gotta explain how the sales funnel is a solution to their problem and it's gonna help them get more leads it's gonna help the leads convert higher and it's gonna help the product sell way more plus the product will sell it on a pilot because it's a funnel that's already set up all you have to do is the email marketing all right so you kind of gotta explain that them and then on step eight here we see transition into a pitch of asking like so you basically say so Jamie if this were to help you increase your monthly sales by 20% this sales funnel how much would you be willing to pay for this alright so they're gonna probably you know usually if you provide this much value build a phone for them you're hopping on the call for free you're doing all this stuff usually they're gonna give you a like a pretty decent offer maybe like 300 bucks right so that's why I tell this articlehow to make 300 bucks a day so honestly I wouldn't go lower than 300 dollars especially for like kind of a beginner like this like I guarantee you this take took her like a long time to set up right completely due to like you know the Internet which is fine like it took me a long time to you know I was like completely beginner when I sir as well so this is what we're trying to do do is you know take a skill we have which is building sales funnels and deliver it to people who need our help okay so this is gonna be helpful first she's gonna want to pay you for this because you know setting up something as simple as this you know I might look really easy it might be kind of simple but we have that direct skill so we can help her and sell her on that problem she has right so step nine would just be to confirm the payment so you can use a simple payment processor like stripe but the Builder all software you can set it up to take payments or you can just like take her through PayPal or whatever you want to do however you want to get paid right doesn't really matter anyway step 10 is to setup the funnel on their own builder all account with your affiliate link okay so once they pay you for the funnel right once they pay you 300 bucks or whatever you charge them so what you're gonna do is tell them okay so Jamie whatever you're using for your current website I will go ahead and cancel that because this sales funnel is hosted on a different platform and this platform just way more reliable and works very good and I'm very familiar with it and this is where the funnels already built so the software is only around $29 per month it's called build roll and I'll go ahead and shoot you a link to the software real quick and you can just sign up there you can also use this software to do all kinds of different marketing and you can just kind of showcase the software and maybe say that you'll help them set it up on their own account and just kind of be friendly with that and I'm sure you know they're probably paying y'all at least $10 a month for this website already so if you can just kind of convince them like builder all has way more value for $29 per month or they can even use the $10 per month plan because builder all has that right it has a $10 per month plan and so when they sign up on on their own account basically what you can do is I can I can go back to the funnel so Jamie funnel right here and once she signs up for her builder I'll count I'm an oppressed transfer okay and then whatever email she used to sign up with bill draw with I'm just gonna put that email in there and press save and what's gonna happen is this website is gonna go from my account directly to her build her own account so she can edit this however she wants she can change it up however she wants plus you're gonna come you're gonna get a commission for Bill draw because you brought her in to bill they're also basically to get your filling from builder all you will have to be on the $49 per month plan if you're completely new to the software but you just go into builder all business you go to money-making funnels and you would simply just send her the to this page so this would be your affiliate link so just send your prospect or your client on this link and then that's how they can sign up and then you could transfer the site to her so that was literally the last step that's all we have to do is once the funnels all set up you just transfer it to her account make sure they have their own builder account so they can host it they can put their own domain on it all that good stuff and then the real fun is in the upsells right so we already made 300 dollars from them from selling the funnel right we saw a problem that they have we solved the problem with a sales funnel right so we made 300 bucks from that plus they sign up for builder all right so what's gonna happen is you get a hundred percent commission on all builder all sales plus 30 percent monthly commission recurring so now they sign up for $29 per month plan on builder oh you made $29 right there plus you're gonna get 30 percent about $29 per month every single month they stay signed up right so you can actually build up a real recurring passive income just with affiliate marketing alone here and then we can actually make money another way which is up selling them on email marketing services which would be a monthly charge or you can teach it to them and just do like one-on-one consulting so showing them how to set up mailing bar showing them how to set their email software show them how to set the whole funnel basically right so that's basically the whole 10 steps of this and you can actually make money like three different ways which is selling them the fun upselling them other services plus your filly commissions from getting them signed up on builder all so one client from this strategy alone if you can do this once a date okay once a day get one sale a day again this whole articletook me around 30 minutes to do you can easily get one sale per day if you do this from around two hours okay so one sale a day you can make up to five hundred dollars per day but just to be a little safe I said three hundred dollars per day on Instagram and as you can see we did not post a single picture at all right so this is the strategy it's a really great strategy and I turned you guys to take action and actually do this because like I said you can type in any name there's thousands of names out there there's thousands of small to medium sized personal brands trying to monetize trying to start an online business but they have no idea how to build a funnel they have no idea how to do marketing so this is where we see a problem in the marketplace we come and offer a solution and you're gonna make money for solving someone's problem alright guys so like I said if you guys would like to enter the giveaway for this articlecomment and Instagram money down below I'll announce the winner for the Amazon gift card in the next article and if you guys found any value out of this articlewhatsoever be sure to hit that like button I really just appreciate it I know it just kind of sounds annoying to hit the like button but it really just helped me out a lot and lets me know you guys like this kind of content you need if you guys are new here be sure to subscribe because I post every other day with more articles like this so with that being said if you guys have any comments on the strategy go and leave it down below and be sure to sign up for builder also you can use the software to build the sales funnels and make money and that will be the second link in the description below and like I said you can download this Google Talk sheet for a completely free with the first link below as well alright so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy this one and I'll see you in the next articlealright so if you're looking to make money on Instagram without posting a single picture this is the articlefor you today because today I'm going to show you exactly how to make up to 300 dollars per day on Instagram without posting a single picture or articleon your profile so with that being said I'm gonna go into hop into my computer and show you guys this exact step by step process and show you guys how we make money on Instagram without actually posting pictures so just for fun on this articleI figured I'd do a $50 Amazon gift card giveaway which I'll announce in the next articleI post every other day on this channel so that being said if you would like to enter the giveaway for the $50 Amazon gift card I'm gonna give it away for completely free all you have to do is comment Instagram money right below this articleand I'll announce the winner in 48 hours in my next articleso this isn't fake or anything is real I'm actually gonna do this giveaway and I'll announce the winner on next articleI post right so that being said let's go and get into my computer I'm gonna show you guys exactly how to make money on Instagram without posting a single picture hope you guys enjoyed this one I'll see you in my computer alright everyone welcome back to the articlethank you for tuning in today you guys don't know who I am already my name is Charlie I've been doing marketing full-time online for the past two years now so basically what this method comes down to I know it's kind of clickbait how to make money on Instagram without posting right but it is something that actually does work and it's something really anyone can do all you need to be able to do the only skill you need is to have some sort of sales skills which anyone can learn and number two is the ability to just like build a website or a funnel for someone because that's how we're gonna make the money right so those are the only two things you really need to know to actually make this method successful so I would just focus on getting better at those two things if you do want to make this method work for yourself right so I actually split up this whole strategy into ten different steps right so this articlemight get kind of long so just kick back and relax and just kind of follow along these steps with me alright so to make it easier I listed out all the steps on a Google Doc analogy that will be the first link in the description below you can go this Google Doc yourself and just fall along with me here all right so let's just go you know simply down the steps you know I want to make this as simple as possible so step one we see is literally just typing a name on the insta search bar and I know that sounds kind of broad but I'm going to show you why this works and why we're doing it this way all right so just go on your Instagram account you can do this on your phone might be a little bit easier in your computer it doesn't really matter anyway so like I said I'm just gonna type in a random name all right so it could be a guy name it could be a girl name it doesn't really matter we're just trying to find people there's a certain demographic of people we're trying to find I'll explain to you why this works in a second right so I'm just gonna do the search bar I'm gonna type in Jamie all right I don't know a Jamie I've never heard of Jamie I'm just typing in a random name right so we can see at the top here there's gonna be some you know bigger influencers named Jamie so what we want to do is we want to go down a little bit alright so I'm just gonna scroll down and I want to find like a small to medium sized influencer right so I'm just gonna see let's see this girl alright so we can see Jamie B Taylor you know I have no idea who this girl is I just typed in a random name and now I'm kind of checking her out right and no I'm not wait basically what I'm trying to do and why I'm typing in a random name is because me what we're trying to do is we're trying to sell sales funnels we're trying to sell marketing services to you know not local businesses but medium to small size personal brands that are trying to monetize right so for example this girl she has a link in her inner bio which is a good sign right she's trying to monetize she has 10 mm Instagram followers she's trying to do something with her Instagram so most likely she's trying to build some type of online business but she doesn't really know how or where to start and obviously all we know right now is she has a blog so I'm gonna click on this link and I'm gonna check out her website all right so it says J is for Jaimie lifestyle blog so subscribe for updates so obviously like and just like taking three seconds look at this it's not very good right you'll barely get any email addresses collecting leads like this right and in case the weird scenario that Jamie you're watching this I'm not trying to talk down on you or anything I'm just trying to help out right trying to make the marketing better so so let's just kind of see how she's trying to monetize right so let's go to shop that kind of looks like where she's trying to monetize so okay Mary Kay alright so Mary Kay I'm pretty sure Mary Kay is kind of like an affiliate company like anyone can jump on board and actually sell their products for them and be reps and I think it's kind of like network marketing I'm not completely sure so yeah it looks like she's the independent sales director and Jamie Taylor so basically anyone can be her position and sell Mary Kay products so it's kind of like an affiliate program you're just getting commissions off of sales so looks like she's kind of trying to monetize through Mary Kay now would it make sense for her to have a blog and just like if someone goes on her Instagram and clicks here you know just going to the site like there's nothing special here and you're not gonna really get any leads you're not getting a sale so what we would want to do for Jamie and we can see that she has a blog she's trying to monetize through affiliate marketing selling Mary Kay right so she needs a funnel right because the funnel would dramatically increase her conversions and make her way more money okay so if she's making maybe a couple hundred dollars a month from her Instagram I don't know she could be making way more she could be making you know zero dollars we don't really know okay so this is the first step is finding someone like this that's basically trying to monetize their Instagram with some type of blog or maybe they're doing like fitness coaching you'll run into that a lot but this is the whole point of why we're typing in a specific name and the reason being is because they're harder to find right you can't type in like let's say you're selling sales funnels for fitness coaches right if you type in fitness coaches barely any one's gonna come up because that's not anyone's name on Instagram so when you're just typing in like a random name and you could really find people that are untapped that need our services that are way more likely to buy and you're way more likely to help them out all right so going back to the Google sheet I know I kind of went on a rant there but let's go to step number two all right so step number two is actually find someone that needs a funnel so it looks like Jamie does need a funnel right we got stepped on with two down all right so let's go back to step number three so it says if they need a funnel send them a articlemessage telling them that you built them a personal sales funnel to help you get more sales from your Instagram would you like to see it so basically what we're gonna do on step number three is we're gonna pull out our phones right and we're gonna say hey Jamie I really like your Instagram I see what you're doing with trying to sell some Mary Kay products I noticed that you don't have a sales funnel to sell your product so what actually did is I actually built you a sales funnel to help you collect more leads and emails and help you get more sales would you like to see it okay so you say something like that and you literally just ask them right so this way number one what we're doing the articleis we're trying to stand out between all the message to get which are usually just like text messages or copy and spam messages so we're trying to stand out more we're trying to catch a tension more that's the point in the articleplus it kind of builds more trust with them it shows you're real person so that's the first thing and then we're telling them we already built them a sales funnel would you like to see it so what this does is this is pretty much like a guaranteed reply right there's no question why she wanted replied to that so what you're gonna do is you're gonna wait for her to reply right because you don't want to waste your time and build a whole sales funnel if she's not interested in your product right that would be a complete waste of time so what we need to do is if she says yes then we want to build a funnel for them really quick using some type of template right so in case you're completely new to marketing you don't know how to build a sales phone or anything you don't know how to you know what software to use so I personally use a software called Builder all it's a great software for funnels extremely cheap for what they offer so I will leave a seven day free trial for builder oh that would be the second link in the description but anyways I'm actually going to show you exactly how to build this little template for them so you can build it real quick I'll take you 15 minutes so you wait so basically you want to send to the articlemessage if they reply yes go get on your computer and build the funnel for them as quickly as you can all right so this is going to be our next step go on to your build your I'll count or if you don't have one already make a seven day free trial there's no credit card required it's fully free all you have to do is make an account right so what you're gonna do once you get to your builder all account is you're going to go to builders right here on the top left and you're gonna go to drag and drop pixel perfect just click on this again and go over to sales funnels alright I want you to get here you kind of want to figure out what kind of sales funnel you want to build for your client or your prospect so personally for me for this for Jamie I would like to build her more of like a bridge funnel so basically that's just a simple opt-in page to a thank you page to the offer okay so so this is just a simple funnel it works well this is what I like to use and a lot of affiliates use this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go down and you can pick on Brij funnel squeeze page funnel they're all kind of the same thing I'm personally gonna pick a lead magnet funnel okay so this one's just like a little bit more branded it seems like Jamie she likes this kind of stay more branded with her like colors and everything like that so that is a good sign for this funnel so I'm just gonna press select funnel okay and then I'm going to scroll down here there's little articlekind of shows how the funnel works and then I'm just gonna click on this one so you can see there's a little picture there I like that so I'm just gonna press edit template alright so now that I have this page open of remember Instagram like 99% of people use Instagram on their phones okay so when you're building the funnel make it specific to be mobile optimized I'll be the Builder all so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the header and I can change the desktop but first I'm just gonna focus on the mobile since that is the most important thing so I'm gonna go ahead and build this opt-in page real quick for Jamie [Music] [Music] all right so actually you see I just build up the funnel for the mobile version you know I just tried to keep it super simple so basically I got the logo up here which is just a screenshot off of her blog and then I just did a catchy headline so based off what she's selling she's selling like a lot of skincare stuff so I figured that would kind of be her niche her lead magnet so basically the lead magnet was how I maintain perfect skin with my 15 minute per day clear skin hack so a lot of people who come to this page are kind of interested in you know what is that 15 minute per minute per day skin hack and of course when you do get Jamie as a client she can change this up however she wants and you can work with her and I actually upsell her more services which I'll show you later in this articleall right so again just think of a simple headline something that's gonna be a value something that they feel like they need to see right because our only thing here is we want people to enter their email and first name in so they can get the lead magnet right so that's kind of our only goal with this page is to just get them interested it's kind of like a hook right high maintain perfect skin with my 15 minute per day clear skin hack got a little picture of her from her Instagram so I'm sure she'll appreciate all this and it just says into your information below to clear skin in just 15 minutes per day and then give me instant access right that's basically the whole opt-in page this is the first step of the funnel and this is really all you need to build her starting out because this will be the big thing that we're gonna send here okay so let me just save this real quick so I can just go ahead and save it to my account so we can just name this Jami funnel and then just press sin all right so if you are new to build girl this is kind of what it's gonna look like and then basically you can just save it here and it's gonna show up if we go back to our builders right top left gonna drag drop pixel-perfect builder go to my sites alright then I have all of mine in categories so it's actually going to show up down here let's see where is it alright so here it is right here so I'm just gonna press publish so this little circle sign just gonna press publish alright so now that the site is published let me go ahead and look at it so I'm just gonna click on the actual site and looks perfect right how I maintain perfect skin with my 15 minutes per day clear skin hack keep in mind it doesn't matter how this funnel looks on desktop it's all about the mobile for Instagram right so make sure it looks good on mobile but anyways now we can go on to step number five alright so if they said yes you know you build a funnel real quick using that template literally takes around 10 minutes maybe up to 30 to an hour if you are more of a beginner but that's totally fun right it's good practice to build more funnels plus you should be able to make some money when you do sell this funnel alright so step 5 next step is send them the sales funnel and see how they like it remember it's all in the mobile because no one uses insa on desktop so now we just simply get this link right copy this link and simply just message the link to on Instagram on desktop you cannot DM I don't think so you're gonna have to send it to your phone just send the link to your phone and send the message to her on your phone alright so that's the next step alright and then what we're gonna do is step 6 so she's gonna look at the funnel and you can kind of mention to her the email is all set up yet but this is basically just the first step of the whole sales funnel so you can get more leads in sales ok so you basically just say that for her okay and then step 6 we're basically done now right we basically did everything now is the time to make the money right now's the time to make the actual money alright so step six is you're gonna wait for a response so just see what she says so I'm sure like base off what she had before you know this is not getting her any leads you could see her like opt-in pages just like say hello you know I'm not trying to be mean or anything but it's not gonna work right this page that's not gonna work compared to something like this and especially if he explained it to her why it works this is gonna be very valuable to her alright so just wait for the response and then I'm sure if she's gonna like it she's mic wow that's really cool and she's probably gonna be like you know can I have access to this funnel okay so you kind of just wait for the response and kind of wait wait for them to come to you and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna send them a link to a free 15 minute strategy call to help them set that more so basically a scenario that would happen is be like Jamie's gonna be like hey the funnel looks really cool I really like it would I be able to get access to her see she's gonna say something like that right so what you're gonna do next is you're gonna be like you can say yeah Jamie we could totally set this up this is something I do this is one of my businesses I've run cuz I build sales funnels for small to medium sized influencers and I get them more leads and sales so what I'm going to do next is I want to learn more about you how I can help you sell more so would you be open to hopping on a quick 15 minute strategy call alright so basically if you don't know how to set that up is you just go to calendly you can use the service for a completely free so let me just go to my account and you can see like these are all my different calls I have so today I have one at 4:45 Wednesday I have three between 2:30 and 5:00 so I have all these different calls set up right so basically you can just set up your own call so and just do a 15-minute call and then just paste it in right they can select a date and time and then they can set up the call with you or you can just hop on the call right then and there with them and just send them a link to like a Skype call or a zoom call or something like that but you know you usually people are busy so it'd be better this up like that County software alright so we did step six it's only taking us around twenty minutes so far step seven right step seven is so on the call what you're gonna do is you're gonna let them tell what their biggest problem is and explain how the sales funnel is gonna solve the problem so for example on the call you're gonna be like so Jamie what are you trying to do with your Instagram are you trying to make money out of it you're trying to create a business I noticed you're trying to sell Mary Kay products is that the main thing you're trying to do okay so she's gonna kind of give her answer and she's gonna kind of go into her problem then you can go on to ask her like oh how many units are you selling a day or how many units are you selling a month and maybe it'll just be like yeah I make like a couple hundred dollars a month with this so far I really want to scale it up more to a couple thousand so I can make this full-time so you know just casual conversation so you can literally just ask him like what is your biggest struggle why do you think you're not getting more sales so it's either gonna gonna be because if they don't have enough leads or they don't have enough traffic something like that so most the time it's gonna be because they don't know how to sell the product right so the sales funnel you gotta explain how the sales funnel is a solution to their problem and it's gonna help them get more leads it's gonna help the leads convert higher and it's gonna help the product sell way more plus the product will sell it on a pilot because it's a funnel that's already set up all you have to do is the email marketing all right so you kind of gotta explain that them and then on step eight here we see transition into a pitch of asking like so you basically say so Jamie if this were to help you increase your monthly sales by 20% this sales funnel how much would you be willing to pay for this alright so they're gonna probably you know usually if you provide this much value build a phone for them you're hopping on the call for free you're doing all this stuff usually they're gonna give you a like a pretty decent offer maybe like 300 bucks right so that's why I tell this articlehow to make 300 bucks a day so honestly I wouldn't go lower than 300 dollars especially for like kind of a beginner like this like I guarantee you this take took her like a long time to set up right completely due to like you know the Internet which is fine like it took me a long time to you know I was like completely beginner when I sir as well so this is what we're trying to do do is you know take a skill we have which is building sales funnels and deliver it to people who need our help okay so this is gonna be helpful first she's gonna want to pay you for this because you know setting up something as simple as this you know I might look really easy it might be kind of simple but we have that direct skill so we can help her and sell her on that problem she has right so step nine would just be to confirm the payment so you can use a simple payment processor like stripe but the Builder all software you can set it up to take payments or you can just like take her through PayPal or whatever you want to do however you want to get paid right doesn't really matter anyway step 10 is to setup the funnel on their own builder all account with your affiliate link okay so once they pay you for the funnel right once they pay you 300 bucks or whatever you charge them so what you're gonna do is tell them okay so Jamie whatever you're using for your current website I will go ahead and cancel that because this sales funnel is hosted on a different platform and this platform just way more reliable and works very good and I'm very familiar with it and this is where the funnels already built so the software is only around $29 per month it's called build roll and I'll go ahead and shoot you a link to the software real quick and you can just sign up there you can also use this software to do all kinds of different marketing and you can just kind of showcase the software and maybe say that you'll help them set it up on their own account and just kind of be friendly with that and I'm sure you know they're probably paying y'all at least $10 a month for this website already so if you can just kind of convince them like builder all has way more value for $29 per month or they can even use the $10 per month plan because builder all has that right it has a $10 per month plan and so when they sign up on on their own account basically what you can do is I can I can go back to the funnel so Jamie funnel right here and once she signs up for her builder I'll count I'm an oppressed transfer okay and then whatever email she used to sign up with bill draw with I'm just gonna put that email in there and press save and what's gonna happen is this website is gonna go from my account directly to her build her own account so she can edit this however she wants she can change it up however she wants plus you're gonna come you're gonna get a commission for Bill draw because you brought her in to bill they're also basically to get your filling from builder all you will have to be on the $49 per month plan if you're completely new to the software but you just go into builder all business you go to money-making funnels and you would simply just send her the to this page so this would be your affiliate link so just send your prospect or your client on this link and then that's how they can sign up and then you could transfer the site to her so that was literally the last step that's all we have to do is once the funnels all set up you just transfer it to her account make sure they have their own builder account so they can host it they can put their own domain on it all that good stuff and then the real fun is in the upsells right so we already made 300 dollars from them from selling the funnel right we saw a problem that they have we solved the problem with a sales funnel right so we made 300 bucks from that plus they sign up for builder all right so what's gonna happen is you get a hundred percent commission on all builder all sales plus 30 percent monthly commission recurring so now they sign up for $29 per month plan on builder oh you made $29 right there plus you're gonna get 30 percent about $29 per month every single month they stay signed up right so you can actually build up a real recurring passive income just with affiliate marketing alone here and then we can actually make money another way which is up selling them on email marketing services which would be a monthly charge or you can teach it to them and just do like one-on-one consulting so showing them how to set up mailing bar showing them how to set their email software show them how to set the whole funnel basically right so that's basically the whole 10 steps of this and you can actually make money like three different ways which is selling them the fun upselling them other services plus your filly commissions from getting them signed up on builder all so one client from this strategy alone if you can do this once a date okay once a day get one sale a day again this whole articletook me around 30 minutes to do you can easily get one sale per day if you do this from around two hours okay so one sale a day you can make up to five hundred dollars per day but just to be a little safe I said three hundred dollars per day on Instagram and as you can see we did not post a single picture at all right so this is the strategy it's a really great strategy and I turned you guys to take action and actually do this because like I said you can type in any name there's thousands of names out there there's thousands of small to medium sized personal brands trying to monetize trying to start an online business but they have no idea how to build a funnel they have no idea how to do marketing so this is where we see a problem in the marketplace we come and offer a solution and you're gonna make money for solving someone's problem alright guys so like I said if you guys would like to enter the giveaway for this articlecomment and Instagram money down below I'll announce the winner for the Amazon gift card in the next article and if you guys found any value out of this articlewhatsoever be sure to hit that like button I really just appreciate it I know it just kind of sounds annoying to hit the like button but it really just helped me out a lot and lets me know you guys like this kind of content you need if you guys are new here be sure to subscribe because I post every other day with more articles like this so with that being said if you guys have any comments on the strategy go and leave it down below and be sure to sign up for builder also you can use the software to build the sales funnels and make money and that will be the second link in the description below and like I said you can download this Google Talk sheet for a completely free with the first link below as well alright so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy this one and I'll see you in the next article

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